"In your hands, the birth of a new day... " (Limahl)

22 January 2003

Cheltenham Spa


Wedi Chwarae / Played: 6

Cyfanswm / Total: £289

Cyfartaledd / Average: £48.16

Uchaf / High: £78 

Roedd Cheltenham yn un o'r grŵp o 5 tref yng ngorllewin Lloegr y bûm yn ymweld â nhw yn weddol gyson yn ystod y PhD (1997-2004). Er cyfoeth cymharol Cheltenham, roedd y dref rhywfaint yn wanach i mi na'r dref mwyaf cyfagos, sef Caerloyw. Serch hynny, atgofion da o fysgio yng nghanol hwyl gŵyl rasio Cheltenham.

Cheltenham was one of a group of 5 towns in western England that I visited quite regularly during the PhD (1997-2004). Despite Cheltenham's relative wealth, it was a weaker destination for me than neighbouring Gloucester. Nevertheless, some fun memories of busking there during the racing fedtival.

Dylanwad / Influence

Since the PhD busking days, I have visited Cheltenham 3 times. In 2003 I conducted a research interview with leading environmentalist Jonathon Poritt. Latterly, I have revisited Cheltenham as an AFC Wimbledon fan in 2012 and 2013.